is your chance as a consumer to personally interact with merchants in your area via your mobile device. 
The system develops special offers and geographically targeted interest news via the

It is not just about knowing what is on the map – it’s about being part of the community through customized local news and information delivered directly to consumers.  Having a pulse on what’s happening in a community creates more engagement and greater opportunities to interact with your surroundings.

Let’s say you are new to an area.  Maybe you are on vacation?  You have directed your to provide up to the minute radius updates delivered directly to your mobile device.  You are walking down the street and receive an offer from a restaurant close to you for a wine and cheese tasting.  You have never been to the area, how did they know you were in the area and that you enjoyed wine experiences? helped make the connection.  Your says “hi, I’m here, what’s in the area that I may enjoy?”  Businesses send you customized engagement invitations and insider only offers based on your pre-determined preferences –  and you win life!

Not going on vacation today?  Let’s say you live in a vibrant community full of interesting news.   You do – right? will deliver geographically relevant news pinpointing the places the news happens in real time.   A concert at the amphitheater?  A football game at the local stadium?  With customized news reader alerts highlighting entertainment news, local community news, and government reports, you will be in the know and will know exactly where the news is happening and has happened.   News locations are pinned on the map – in your hands – in real time.

It is an exciting time to be part of your community or visit a new city now that you have DEALPOINT on your mobile device and in your hands. is your chance to personally interact with your community via a mobile device.  The system develops special offers and geographically targeted interest news  via the .